63 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511

Frequently Asked Questions



What services are available to me?

  1. You will receive an appointment with a Project Access specialty provider as soon as one is available. For your first visit with a provider, you MUST be scheduled by a Project Access Patient Navigator, but after that you are free to schedule any follow up appointments for the length of your enrollment.
  2. Project Access Patient Navigators will make all appointments for other specialty physician/providers, radiology, or laboratory tests if considered necessary by the Project Access specialty physician you have seen.
  3. Project Access can only provide services through our volunteer network. Some services may not be available and you may have to wait for other services. Patients will be treated on a first come/first serve basis unless there is an identified medical necessity for more urgent treatment.

What should I bring to an appointment?

  1. Your Project Access ID card
  2. A government issued photo ID
  3. Any information you believe will help the medical provider (past diagnostic information or medical records, x-rays)
  4. A list of questions for your physician/health care provider to use your time with him/her well
  5. A list of your current medications (including amounts and dosage)
  6. Please be on time to your appointment. Remember, you will be disenrolled from PA-NH if you miss two appointments. Please be respectful of the time medical providers and their offices are donating for your care. Missing your appointments delays services to you as well as other patients in need.

What if I can't afford the prescription I'm given?

  1. Contact the Project Access Patient Navigator and we will try to help you. We use a program that can assist with finding medication discount programs.

Can I go to the Emergency Room?

  1. If you have a medical emergency, we strongly advise that you go to the Emergency Room.
  2. Contact your assigned Patient Navigator when able to update them on the visit and your current condition.

What would cause me to be disenrolled from the program?

  1. Not following provider instructions (ex: not taking medication)
  2. Not following Patient Navigator instructions
  3. Giving false information about insurance, income, or other personal data
  4. Using medications inappropriately
  5. Not showing up to appointments
  6. Abusive behavior to provider, their staff and/or staff at Project Access
  7. Becoming enrolled in an insurance or other health providing program
  8. Increase in income above 250% of Federal Poverty Level for your household