
Maybe write out a section here about patient experience, and how it is important to give patient’s a vocie.

“You are saviors and I will always be grateful for your help.  If there is anything I could do to pay you back I would.  It has been very difficult for me and feeling better and having no more pain has saved my life.”

“I have a new view on life. I feel loved by many people and want to enjoy every day and live it to the fullest. To anyone who is going through cancer, I would tell them don’t be afraid or try to hide. Talk to people and ask for help.”

“From heaven to earth, thank you Project Access.  My family and I feel confident, protected, and supported in this difficult stage of our lives.  I am very grateful for all … people and institutions that collaborate with this program.”

``I have a new view on life. I feel loved by many people and want to enjoy every day and live it to the fullest. To anyone who is going through cancer, I would tell them don’t be afraid or try to hide. Talk to people and ask for help``...
Click Here to Read Elizeabeth's Story

“I have a new view on life. I feel loved by many people and want to enjoy every day and live it to the fullest. To anyone who is going through cancer, I would tell them don’t be afraid or try to hide. Talk to people and ask for help”…